சுப்பிரமணிய பாரதி(சுப்பிரமணிய பாரதி)
யாழ்ப்பாணம் (இரண்டாம் சங்கிலி மன்னன் சிலை, நல்லூர்)
The new Tamil encyclopedia, Tamilar Wiki, is unbiased, free from political, literary, and national biases of individuals, and is created on personal initiative and economy to give opportunities to the deserving.
This is an information repository (wiki site) created in Norway for the information of the missing and excluded Tamil community to freely publish more articles in Tamil, exempting some of the restrictions. In this, the heavy information needed by the Tamil world can be posted in elegant articles. Tamilar Wiki reserves the right to accept or reject articles.
And we seek your help to develop this site. All who are interested in Tamil can join.